The Barnabas Women's Class
Barnabas was known to be a helper and encourager. That is the mission of our class. We make and give blankets to those who are sick or in the hospital. We participate in the Pop Tart Ministry for school children. Rather than a quarterly, we study the Books of the Bible directly.
The Faith Builders Women's Class
The focus of our class is to increase our faith through the study of God's word. Along with prayer and class discussions we share our faith to strengthen each other.
The Berta Moore Women's Class
The goal for our class is to know Him and to make Him known. As a class, we participate in Christian activities such as the Backpack Ministry through our Ladies Ministry and Grey Stone Church, contributions to the Baptist Children's Home, and donations to GRBC in memory of deceased class members. We always enjoy being together outside the class and having a relationship with each other.
The Joy Women's Class
Discipleship Men's Class
Open Door Class
The Joy Class has the Joy of the Lord and are sisters in Christ. Our class has always shown a giving heart for those less fortunate than ourselves. We have participated at Riverside High School, donated money when needed in some situations, and participated in church-wide programs that helped families in need.
We use the Senior Adults Sunday School Book to openly discuss the lesson for that Sunday to gain a better understanding for all. We use the Word of God to teach others, making them better disciples, to go out and teach others about God's Holy Word.
The Open Door Class invites and is open to anyone - couples, individual women, and men - to become a member of our class. We gather together to study the Word of God (directly from the Bible rather than a quarterly) and members are encouraged to participate in relevant discussions.
We try to build a personal bond with each other offering caring support in all times of need and by following the Golden Rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31
Bridge Builders
Men's Class
Preschool Class
Come a be a part or our preschool program where we teach children about how much God loves them. Also, we talk about all the people in the Bible and how God helped them. They will learn that Jesus Christ is God’s son and that he came to save us from our sins. We show them through lessons, games and music. We also use puppets to help teach. We look forward to seeing you in Sunday School.
We are also working towards having a Junior Church for all kids.
1st, 2nd, 3rd
Grade Class
Located on the second floor of the Education Building. Our focus in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Children are taught the Plan of Salvation. Bible Stories are read and discussed. We sing songs and learn Bible verses. They participate in reading the Bible and praying. A fun time of crafts and snacks is had so that the children have an opportunity to talk with and help each other